Would you like to make your own quilt jar to store your trinkets or other small items?
Whether you are a novice sewer or an enthusiast, you can use it to simply make the pattern you like.
Ruler set has S.M.L 3 sizes, each set contains three rulers, you can make the corresponding size of the quilt jar. Not only can store your rings, earrings and other small accessories, but also small toys and small daily items.It's not easy to get dirty or lose with the small lid on, and when you put it on the table, it becomes a beautiful little piece of art.
This must be the most beautiful basket I've ever seen, not only for fruit, but for everything I've ever sewn.
Reusable, no more wasted time and resources!They fit in a variety of places and can also be washed as needed. Even if you are not good at sewing, you can still make these lovely flower bowl.
Beautiful addition to your sewing tools to create your own cozies with perfect consistency every time. Reusable to stop wasting time and resources!
You can also use it to fill it with snacks, cookies, and all kinds of snacks when you go out for a picnic.
Ships with plastic layer on each side of acrylic to prevent scratches while shipping, peel for clear template.
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