Technology locks onto the seam allowance and allows the quilter to square up in just seconds.
There's no need for a turn-table, lifting the ruler or manually turning the block.
Simply place the ruler onto the block with the seam allowance under the patent pending channel and trim the first two sides, then, using light finger pressure, simply turn the ruler around (your fabric moves with the ruler) and square up the other two sides Safe, efficient, and above all else, accurate every time Because Easy Cut Blocks locks onto the seam.
Allows your fabric to move as one with the ruler as you turn it! Nothing could be more accurate, easier, faster or safer.
Get perfect half square triangles every time with these durable acrylic rulers. With 1/2" markings and a centered "channel", cutting half square triangles has never been simpler!
Easy Cut Block Lock Rulers work with any method for making half-square triangles, so whether you prefer using paper or sewing triangles together, Easy Cut Blocks Lock Ruler will help you square-up perfectly each and every time.
There’s no ruler rock or slipping either.
S: 2.5 IN M:4.5 IN L:6.5 IN
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