If you love boxed corners on all those cute zippered bags, purses, totes, wallets, dop kits and more but you can never get them to match up perfectly, then this set is for you!
If you have problems squaring up corners, then this set is for you!
If you need accurate and consistent placement for handles, pockets, pleats and more then this set is for you!
Once you get these, you'll find even more uses.....
With these 5 templates, you'll get 10 useful measurements! Each template offers 2 squared edges for cutting, squaring and placement.
Measurements are: 1", 1.5", 2", 2.25", 2.5", 3", 3.5", 4", 4.5", & 5".
2. In the pop-up window, click on the location on the image below.

3. Choose your bank country.

4. Now you can use credit cards to pay.

5.Last Tip:
Do you want to use this credit card to create a PayPal account?
According to your needs, choose yes or no.
6.Successful payment.